I help you transform your style and your brand into a cohesive, powerful expression of who you are, allowing your energy to attract the right opportunities and connections.



Vibe Check Call /vÄŠb CHek kĂ´l/

  1. an act of finding out how someone is feeling or how they make you feel, or what the mood in a particular situation is
  2. AKA: If you're on this call, you're already confident in my ability to solve your problem. So this call is more about if we're the right fit together!

Ashley Marie, A. Marie Jewelry & Bliss Boutique

“From the first conversation we had, I never looked back - I really trusted her with my company. I trusted her with my vision. I really don’t know how to explain it, other than Kate is MAGIC.

She completely transformed my brands making them everything I ever wanted them to be. I could only describe it as a feeling, not in color or in pictures, yet Kate understood that. I am able to be involved in so many other business deals, rebrands, companies now bc I am SO confident I can handle what’s going to be thrown at me.”


My mission is to guide people in discovering and aligning their personal style with their brand identity. This alignment allows them to project their authentic selves across all touchpoints, ensuring their energy and essence are felt both online and in person.

Style isn't just about what looks good; it’s a strategic tool that reflects and reinforces a person's or brand’s identity. This concept is about using aesthetics intentionally to communicate the right message, attract the right audience, and elevate one’s presence in every space—whether that’s a boardroom, a social media feed, or their personal living environment.


Create a brand presence that is authentically you; where who you are online is the same as who you are in person. Know exactly how to present yourself and have everything be cohesive and flow.

Together we'll discover your brand's core values, strengths, and unique selling propositions. This 1:1 session helps craft a unique visual and verbal identity that aligns with your essence and goals. We’ll clarify your mission, vision, and story, and set the tone for your brand's look and feel.



Transform your vibe so you can grow into the best version of yourself! I'll help you discover and refine your personal and professional style, ensuring it resonates with your inner self and elevates your confidence in every setting.

Together, we'll create impactful, cohesive looks that empower you to present your best and vibey self, every day!



Add a bonus experience to your mastermind, retreat or community with a bespoke styling &/or branding support service. This vibey experience helps your members truly embody their next level selves, which will assist in integrating your teachings. This experience boosts confidence, fosters unity, and enhances brand alignment, helping attendees discover their unique style & vibe and learn how to project it with confidence!




1. "I'm not confident in how I present myself. I don’t know if what I’m wearing or how I’m branding myself is truly ‘me’."
  • AKA: You don't know what your unique style & vibe is, much less how to make sure you're telling a cohesive message.


2. "My current brand doesn't fit me anymore. I've evolved, but my image and branding have stayed the same."
  • AKA: It's time for a rebrand! Your brand should showcase your entire vibe and your branding shouldn't box you into a specific color palette.


3. "I want my brand to feel genuine and reflect who I really am, but I'm not sure how to do that without turning off potential clients or employers."
  • AKA: You're struggling with authenticity online & knowing what to / not to share.


4. "I have so many different interests and skills and personalities, I don't know what to share or how to present them in a way that doesn't seem scattered."
  • AKA: You're struggling with consistency & lack of cohesion.


5. "I know I have a unique perspective to share, but I'm not standing out in a crowded market."
  • AKA: You're struggling with visibility & showcasing your Unique Value Proposition.


6. "I need to appeal to my target audience more effectively, but I’m not sure how my personal brand can do that."
  • AKA: You're struggling with market alignment & brand positioning. Easy fix once your brand identity is clear & cohesive!



Which number do you resonate with?

Click below to schedule a call and start your journey toward an authentic, cohesive, and magnetic personal brand!


I'm Kate

Your Brand & Style Strategist


I believe that the most magnetic brands and styles are those that are rooted in authenticity and embody their unique vibe. With a background in Business Marketing and Clothing & Textiles, I've spent years honing my skills to help entrepreneurs and creatives align their outer appearance with their inner essence.

I've walked in your shoes -- I know what it feels like to struggle with brand visibility and feel like my website doesn't represent who I am, or to stare at a closet full of clothes and feel like nothing truly represents who you are. That's why I'm dedicated to guiding you through a transformative process -- from wardrobe to website -- that empowers you to express your true identity confidently and become a magnetic presence in your industry!





Jena's done it all with me!

  • Brand Identity Development
  • Finding her unique style
  • Brand Shoot
  • Digital Presence Curation
  • Brand Positioning
  • Brand House Structure
  • Fashion Styling
  • Office Design
  • and more...

I created this case study to show you an example of the general flow of how my clients work with me over the years.

"One day in 2021 - this is a solid 7 years into building my business - one of my clients, who at the time was a Chief Product Officer of a billion dollar tech startup in NY, came up to me and said I want to introduce you to one of our investors but I looked up your website.  It’s not you.  You have no digital presence. This is not good enough given where you are at in your work. You need to level it up."
"Kate and I had our VIP day and the impact of that was nailing down my core brand identity. It felt like I was being seen for the first time.  I had so much joy after that experience. 
It’s amazing what can happen when someone sees you for who you actually are, not who you were told to be, and then have that ability to bring that vision to life in hard form like a website and other collateral, through visuals like photography…"



You are naturally cohesive because you are you. My gift is understanding who you are -all of the different sides of you-and translating them into an aesthetic that authentically represents who you are. Together, we'll dive deep into who you are and what makes you unique so every element of your brand and style will feel like an expression of your identity. 


I ensure every part of your brand, from your website to your wardrobe, is in sync with your essence. When you show up, you’ll always feel like the best version of yourself. And that is what makes you confident and magnetic!


The beauty of a personal brand is the ability to flow and evolve. I’m big on not boxing you in with a color palette. You are dynamic, and when you’re clear on who you are and aligned with your style, you’ll feel cohesive in everything you do. It’s about exuding your vibe while showcasing your many different sides of you. I will not only guide you in discovering your unique style and positioning you as the expert in your industry but I'm here to support you in evolving your brand!



  • I believe that everything about you makes sense within your brand, and the more you share these unique things about you, the more successful you become. You are cohesive (you just need a little help portraying that).
  • I believe we would be happier if we were all making money doing what we love and are experts at (which is done through your brand).
  • I believe if everyone was living in alignment and feeling cohesive (aka like themselves) in every area of their life and how they express themselves, the world would be better.
  • I believe every experience–even the mundane–can be a vibe, it only takes intentionality. When you experience more aesthetic experiences, your frequency is higher.
  • I believe when you look good, you feel good, you do good!




I’m here to help you become such a vibe™!

Your go-to podcast for creating a cohesive, intentional, and fabulous life!

This is passive multi-tasking at its finest!

Listen while...

  • you're sipping a latte at the beach while grounding in the sand
  • mom-ing with your AirPods in
  • you're driving on your way to a girls night! (I'll give you the best tips to share with your girls!)

Each episode is filled with tips that vary from style, branding, and just elevating every tiny detail of your life!

Whether you’re a business owner, entrepreneur, or simply looking to enhance your everyday experiences, this podcast will help you align your inner and outer selves, boost your confidence, and attract the opportunities & people you want!

LISTEN ON Spotify or Apple!

I can't wait to hear from you!! Don't forget to leave a rating & review! 

xo, kate